Saturday, August 29, 2015

2015 Maple Grove Triathlon Race Report

This was my 6th straight year at Maple Grove, I have done all 6 years of this race.  This was my 3rd weekend in a row doing an Olympic distance triathlon.  Not sure how my body would handle 3 weekends in a row.  Going in I did not feel too bad.

Maple Grove posted some free pictures, which I will intermix through the blog.  Of course, my usual pictures are in here also.

Up early for this race, due to early start time, transition closes by 6:45AM, so I was up about 3:30AM, to get there by 5ish.  Usual morning, breakfast at home, with donut, coffee, and water along the way. Parking is kind of far away, so it is a bit of walk.  Rack spots are assigned, by AG, so you get an idea of who is there with you.  Setup was easy, went pretty.  Nice to have an early start, so you can get done with the race and get out.  Also, if it is going to be a hot day, you can get done before it gets too hot.  This morning was unseasonably cool, second year in a row.  A little humidity, not too bad.  Windy, very windy.  At race start it was clear skies.  Pretty morning.

Me, before the start.

Swim start is by AG, but time trial start, with 2 at a time.  Line up on hill and to stage and then head down to start.  As windy as it was, the lake is kind of down in a valley with tress and has some protection, so it wasn't wavy.  The swim was uneventful and it was my fastest swim of this year. I felt pretty good coming off the swim. 

A series of pictures of me coming out of the swim

It is not a short run up to transition, and the Olympic distance people are racked closer to the back.  When I got to the rack it looked like there were still a number of bikes on it.  I left towards the front at the TT start of the swim, so it is hard to gauge where I was at in the AG.

Heading out on the bike.

The wind was pretty severe out on the bike.  There was a headwind for the first 3-5 miles.  I think it was 3-5 miles.  My legs and me did not feel that great and I thought I was going to have a terrible bike, but as I got going I felt better.  The tailwind, which occurred a few times, felt pretty good.  The headwind, felt horrible.  Depending where you were on the bike course, there was an occasional crosswind, that also made for difficult riding.  I actually thought I came in at an hour and was going to be closer to 23MPH, which would have been amazingly surprising.  When I saw my time, I was a little disappointed, until I realized last year at 22MPH was my fastest, and this year was 21.9MPH, so I am not so disappointed.

Coming in from the bike.

I got off the bike and felt ok.  Initially, the run out of transition is uphill.  Kind of steep.  I think this run is one of the harder run courses around.  Two loops and lots of up and downs, some pretty challenging hill.  The weather the last two years has been extremely cooperative.  When I crested the first hill out of transition and started a short downhill I was a little worried.  I wasn't feeling great, but I got in a rhythm that felt pretty good.  The last two miles I started feeling a little nausea, which is odd.  I usually don't feel that way.  It wasn't so bad it slowed me down.  It didn't feel so great either.  I think I pushed it as hard as I could, and I ended up only 30 seconds slower than last, which was my fastest time on this course.  So, it turned out to be a pretty good run.

Going out on the run, on the run, and finishing

Adjusting for the shorter bike, my time was only 19 seconds slower than last year.  Last year was my fastest time on this course, which was my seconds fastest Olympic distance race.  That makes this year's Maple Grove my third fastest Olympic distance race. 

I am pretty happy with how this race went.  Overall, it was my best Olympic distance race of the year.  It might have been my last race of the year, I have not decided if I am going to do St. Croix Valley Olympic.  If it is my last race, it was a good note to end on.

Distance\Time correction for each year, to match 2014 time. 2013 swim and bike corrected, all other years corrected for bike only.

2015 = 2:27:14
2014 = 2:26:55
2013 = 2:38:00
2012 = 2:33:45
2011 = 2:31:25
2010 = 2:33:29

Time corrected, 2014 was my fastest time by over four and a half minutes and eleven minutes faster than 2013, and 2015 was 19 seconds slower than 2014.  Not too bad.  Pretty happy with that.
2015 Maple Grove Triathlon Results
Swim (1640yards) = 25:37 (1:34/100 yards, just a hair off last year)
T1 = 2:59
Bike (23mi) = 1:03:00 (21.9 MPH, just a hair off last year)
T2 = 1:08
Run (6.2mi) = 49:35 (8:00/mi, just a bit off last year)
Total = 2:22:18 (Correct for short bike = 2:27:14, puts me 19 second slower than my fastest)
Overall = 75/373
AG = 11/46
Overall Pace = 4:44

2014 Maple Grove Triathlon Results
Swim (1640yards) = 25:28 (1:33/100 yards, fastest swim)
T1 = 3:22
Bike (24.8mi) = 1:07:34 (22 MPH, fastest bike split at this race)
T2 = 1:27
Run (6.2mi) = 49:05 (7:55/mi, fastest run split at this race)
Total = 2:26:55
Overall = 74/392
AG = 19/58
Overall Pace = 4:36/mi

2013 Maple Grove Triathlon Results
Swim (1640yards?) = 32:27 (2:03/100 yards)  - This was NOT 1.5Km (~0.9mi)!
Corrected to 1968 yards = 1:40/100 yards
T1 = 3:39
Bike (26mi) = 1:16:01 (20.6MPH, slowest bike split at this race)
T2 = 1:10
Run (6.2mi) = 54:05 (8:43/mi, slowest run split at this race)
Total = 2:47:47
Overall = 120/438
AG = 23/62
Overall Pace = 4:45/mi

2012 Maple Grove Triathlon Results
Swim (1640yards) = 28:26 (1:48/100 yards)
T1 = 1:57
Bike (26mi) = 1:13:14 (21.2MPH)
T2 = 0:54
Run (6.2mi) = 52:12 (8:25/mi)
Total = 2:37:09
Overall = 103/367
AG = 18/47
Overall Pace = 4:45/mi

2011 Maple Grove Triathlon Results
Swim (1640yards) = 27:29 (1:44/100 yards)
T1 = 2:26
Bike (26mi) = 1:13:32 (21.2MPH)
T2 = 1:12
Run (6.2mi) = 50:15 (8:06/mi)
Total = 2:34:49
Overall = 44/216
AG = 9/33
Overall Pace = 4:41/mi

2010 Maple Grove Triathlon Results
Swim (1640yards) = 27:23 (1:43/100 yards)
T1 = 2:27
Bike (26mi) = 1:13:12 (21.3MPH)
T2 = 1:03
Run (6.2mi) = 52:49 (8:32/mi)
Total = 2:36:54
Overall = 31/167
AG = 3/22
Overall Pace = 4:44/mi

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