Thursday, December 23, 2010

Non-Triathlon Related Interview on Minnesota Tri News

Jerry MacNeil has a website called Minnesota Tri News.  The website, as the name implies, has to do with MN related triathlon news.  Every week or so he does a local athlete profile that is non-tri related.  He sends out a questionaire.  You fill it out, send it back, and he publishes it on his website.
He sent me a questionaire and I filled it out.  It was pubulished on the MN tri news website today.
Link is here
It was kind of difficult for me to fill out.  I guess that I am a little worried about how my likes\dislikes will be judged.  Which is dumb.  I like what I like, I dislike what I dislike.
Jerry asked me if I would write up some book and/or movie reviews in the future.  I am going try and provide him some content.  See what I can come up.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

November 2010 Workout Summary and Registered for First Race

This November was about the same as last November.  This November had running, last November did not.
I did about 3 hours of strength last November, and this November about 2 hours.  Feeling pretty good this November.  I would like to get more biking in.  See what I can do in Dec and Jan, I will need to ramp it up in Feb, March, etc.
As usual, for the 4th year in a row, I am registered for St. Anthony's Triathlon in St. Petersburg, FL.  This year it is May 1.  Last year I jogged the run because I was still recovering from my stress fracture.  Hopefully, this year I can run it. 

Here is a comparison of this November to previous Novembers.  November of 2007 I did very little or nothing.

YTD and totals since 2007

Totals and monthly averages since 2007