Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday Night Time Trials (T'N'T) - First of the Year

First T'N'T of the year. It was about 44 degrees, drizzling, and the wind was varying up to around 10MPH from the NE. Course is basically out east and back west. For those unfamilar the course has been the same for the last 5 years, this is my 6th year doing it. Last year they basically switched the start and the turnaround. The starting point is now at the turnaround, the base of a steep and long hill. I will have to take a picture and post some time. The turnaround is the old start. The course is 11 miles total, out and back. I think it is challenging because it is not at all flat.
The Time Trial, or TT, is frequently referred to as the "Race of Truth". The truth is, Tuesday night sucked. I was slow, slowest I had been in years. I would like to blame the weather, but I can't. So I won't. It was a bad night, not sure why. Just was.
I was not tired cardio wise. Not really out of breath. My legs were not that tired feeling. I had felt worse than I did last night. I heard, that if you do a TT and DON'T feel like puking at the end, you did not go hard enough. I wasn't that pukey feeling. So I guess I didn't go hard enough. I have 7 more of these. I just shake this one off as the first of the year and continue.
Below I embarassingly post my results
Total Time = 31:32.23
Average Speed = 20.93 (For reference, my 2008 average of 7 T'N'T races is about 23MPH)
Rank = 30 out of 38


Aimee said...

I'm sorry your TT didn't go well, but we all have bad days. Like you said, shake it off and get ready to ROCK the next one!

Brian said...

I do have to try one of these. And yes, that 'hill' at the start is not an easy one. I ride that course often. Always going up...I need to try going down it sometime! How far away from the intersection is the finish? I have to think you would need to be on the brakes hard at the end coming down that hill.

Christopher Hawes said...

The finish is far enough away that you don't have to break too hard. T'N'T is a great, hard training ride. Brian, you should really try it.
I am putting it out of my mind and shaking it off. Thanks for the words of encouragement.