Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have not written in awhile because I have been busy with work and I have been down, mainly because of work.  Not sure if I want to blog when I have nothing too good to say.
When I got back after two weeks off, they laid-off and furloughed about 40+ people.  I still have my job, which leaves both happy and depressed.  I also have more work to do than ever, which is both good and bad.  Good because I guess I have job security, bad because there is so much, and I am not going to get any extra reward for any extra effort.  Probably, more than likely, no raises or bonuses this year.
I have had on and off pain in my left shin and lower knee for a little while now.  Not sure if it is something I need to worry about yet.  See what happens when I start serious training in about 2 weeks.
Started masters swimming group on Friday mornings about 2 weeks ago.  Much better than swimming alone.
I have registered for 10 races already, looking to do 20 races.  I am looking forward to this season.  I am looking forward to starting serious training.  I have been working out 3-4 days a week, nothing to tough yet.  I am really interested to see what I can do this year.
I think when I get back into training, and then racing, it will help my focus.

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