Monday, September 2, 2013

2013 St. Croix Valley Triathlon Race Report

This is my 4th consecutive year at this race.  The first two years I had very good races, the last two years, not so much.  Last year it was my worst race of the year.  My goal this year was to do better than last year.  Not sure why I faded so bad last year.  I was bound and determined not to let it happen this year, or at least not let it happen as bad.

I didn't feel too bad when I got up and got going.  I went through my usual routine and got to the race right about the time transition opened.  I quickly picked up my race stuff and setup in transition.  I did a short bike warm-up to make sure my legs felt of and the bike was good to go.  The last couple of races I have had bike issues that I did not find out about until pre-race.  All my fault.  After doing this since 2006, I still make rookie mistakes.  Bike was all good to go this morning.  There were a few people there that I knew, so I had a chance to chat, which is always nice.  Helps the morning go a little faster.
The weather was not too bad.  Sun was out, not as humid as during the week, not as hot either.  Previous years it was cold, seriously.  I think in 2010, or 2011, air temp was in the low 50s/high 40s at start time.  I think last year it was still a little chilly.
I did a short swim warm-up, which did not feel too bad.
I was in the second wave, all men.  I am not the fastest to run out in the water, once I am in I usually make up some of the difference.  The swim is two loops, the deepest the water gets is about 5 ft, or so.  When I was at the furthest point out, I actually saw a couple of guys from the 1st wave walking.  I think I swam with the same 3-5 guys almost the whole time.  It seemed like we were going back and forth around each other.  Since this is all men in one wave, I have no idea what the AG is that I am swimming with.  I came out of the water not feeling too bad.  It was a little warm, warmer than Maple Grove and I was starting to get hot.  It turned out to be my second fastest swim at this race, so that was a good start. 
I made the run up the beach and stairs to transition.  Took a deep breath at my bike and finished taking off my wetsuit, got my socks and shoes on, got sunglasses and helmet on, and got out of there.  As I was transitioning, Jerry, the every present announcer, commented on the number of triathlons I do, and asked if the season was too short.  I tried to respond with a nod.  On the way out he gave me a "Good luck on the bike" and I gave him a wave with a thumbs up.
The course is not flat, it has a few decent climbs, it has some turns through residential neighborhoods, there is some smooth roads and there are some rough, pretty shitty, spots.  It is a mix of everything.  I would say going out is mostly uphill, and going back is mostly downhill.  The temperature was nice, but there was some decent wind, not as bad as Maple Grove last weekend, but you could feel it.  Again, the bike felt like a struggle.  I was hoping traveling for work earlier in the week would have given my legs some needed rest.  Not sure if the rest has hurt me or helped me.  Sometimes I think I race better when I workout more during the week. 
Anyway, I passed this guy on a road bike, he was moving pretty good.  He calved read "43" so he was not in my AG.  I slowed up a little bit on a bad patch of road and he caught up with me.  He pulled up next to me and said, "What is going on back there?".  I replied, "I have not idea what you are talking about."  I don't get into conversations when I am in a race.  I have enough trouble  breathing as it is and I was just trying to get through the bike.  Maybe he was referring to the rattle in the rear of my bike.  On the rough road, with the disc wheel, I get some rattle in the rear cassette and drivetrain, from the stiffness.  I don't know.  Anyway, I sped up and got out ahead of him.
I felt ok getting off the bike, I was going to try and push it a little on the run, with the hope I could get out in front of my bad time from last year.  Based on my watch, I was doing better than last year.  The guy who talked to me on the bike passed me early on the run.  I got passed by about 10 people on the run, maybe a couple more.  I expect that, I am not the fastest runner out there.  The run is typically where I lose places.  Anyway, the run did feel better than last year.  The temperature was pretty good, not too sunny.  The run is an out and back, with a short loop from about mile 2 to mile 4.  After mile 2 is a steep, short climb.  Just before mile 1 is a steepish downhill and the a longer, steep climb.  It is by no means a flat course.  I would say the shade is better than Maple Grove.  After the steep hill at mile 2, my legs started to feel very tired.  I just had to keep telling myself to keep going.  I did not want to walk.  I had to remind myself that I only had one hard hill to run up after that, and it was during the last mile.  Technically, it is uphill into the finish, but I could handle that.  I made it through the run without walking.  It was not my fastest at this race, it was much faster than last year, and it was faster than Maple Grove from the weekend before.    
I was 7+ minutes faster than last year, but still about 6 minutes slower than my fastest.  Most of that is on the run.  Overall it was a pretty good day.  Any day I can go out there and finish, is a good day.
There is pulled pork sandwiches, rice, and pineapple after the race, which is pretty good.  My only complaint is that there was no cold water, only warm to hot water.  Ick.
I woke up the next morning in more pain than usual.  Neck, lower back, both hips.  I started feeling the next and lower back on the bike, after about mile 15.  I think that is due to the lack of time I spend on the triathlon back later in the year, training in the aero position.  I need to improve that.Over the last few weeks I have been having some hip pain.  My wife, a PA, says it is bursitis.  Most of the pain is in my right side.  I am inclined to believe that it has something to do with my position on the triathlon bike, because the pain is coming after races, not after training.  I am going to have my bike fit checked to make sure everything is ok.
This was my last triathlon of the year.  I still have a duathlon left, plus some trail races.  The last triathlon of the year always makes me feel a little sad.  I enjoy racing and it gives me focus for training.  I try to keep doing some "relaxed" training\working out during Oct-Dec\Jan, but without a races to focus on, it is a little more difficult.  Next year I will be in the 40-44 AG, and I will probably be less competitive in that AG.  Those guys are fast!  I am looking forward to a little break from racing nearly every weekend, but I am also going to miss racing.

2013 St. Croix Valley Triathlon - Olympic Swim (1640 yards) = 28:23 (1:44/100 yards)
T1 = 2:04
Bike (24.85 mi) = 1:12:27 (20.6 MPH)
T2 = 1:01
Run (6.2 mi) = 53:48 (8:40/mi)
Total = 2:37:40
Overall = 34/98
AG = No official AG reported yet, looks like I was maybe 7th of 12?
Pace = 4:57/mi

2012 St. Croix Valley Triathlon - Olympic Swim (1640 yards) = 29:29 (1:48/100 yards)
T1 = 1:48
Bike (24.85 mi) = 1:14:56 (19.9 MPH)
T2 = 0:58
Run (6.2 mi) = 58:01 (9:21/mi)
Total = 2:45:09
Overall = 57/108
AG = 6/12 (Normal 35-39 AG)
Pace = 5:11/mi

2011 St. Croix Valley Triathlon - Olympic
Swim (1640 yards) = 29:00 (1:46/100 yards)
T1 = 2:22
Bike (24.85 mi) = 1:10:31 (21.1 MPH)
T2 = 0:51
Run (6.2 mi) = 49:36 (7:59/mi)
Total = 2:32:17
Overall = 40/103
AG = 12/19 (AG 30 -39)
Pace = 4:46/mi

2010 St. Croix Valley Triathlon - Olympic
Swim (1640 yards) = 28:12 (1:43/100 yards)
T1 = 1:41
Bike (24.85 mi) = 1:10:49 (21 MPH)
T2 = 1:31
Run (6.2 mi) = 48:49 (7:51/mi)
Total = 2:31:00
Overall = 26/103
AG = 6/14 (AG 30-39)
Pace = 4:44/mi

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