Saturday, March 1, 2014

February 2014 Training Summary

This was a big February for me.  It the most training time I have put in for a February.  It is the most time I have spent on a bike in a February.  This year is starting off as I wanted to, with a lot of bike time and a lot of training time.
My combined time for January for February is 50.56 hours, 16.78 hours of swim, 23.26 hours of bike, 6.98 hours of run, 3.12 hours of strength, and 0.42 hours of elliptical training.  The next closest year was 2011 at 47.17 hours, and 20.3 hours on the bike.  So, I am starting off this year.
I am feel pretty good.  I think most of the pain I feel has come from shoveling.  I feel better when I string a number of days together working out.  When I have stopped working out for 2-3 days and then start back up, I feel a little off.
In March, I would like to keep my bike over 10 hours, and I would like to get my run time up to about 6 hours, at least over 5 hours.  I have the Irish Day 8K in Saint Paul, I have done this run for a number of years and I use it as an early season test of my fitness.  My goal is to go under 38 minutes.
I just need to keep my current workout pace up and keep my focus.

Year-to-Year February Comparison

Totals Since 2007 and Averages

YTD and Totals Since 2007


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