Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014 Training Summary

This January I posted the most biking time I have ever posted in a January.  The last time I had over 11, nearly 12 hours, on the bike in a month was August of 2011.  This is how I want to start off on the bike in 2014.  My goal is to get over 10 hours a month on the bike through May.  Run was down a little for an average January, but I plan to pick it up in Feb.  I want to do a 8K or 10K in March or early April and I need to be ready for that. 
My swim was up a bit from last year, and above average.
So, I have had a pretty good start to 2014.  In Feb, like I said, I want to keep the bike above 10 hours, about 4 hours for the run, get over 20,000 yards in on the swim, and 2 hours of strength.  That should keep me pretty good.  I have been going to spin class, at LA Fitness on Sunday and Thursday morning, and then biking at home on Tuesday nights.  If I can keep that up through the next 4 months, I should be good.  As soon, as the weather is nice, hopefully March, I can ride the bike to work and I might drop a spin class, probably Thursday morning.  See how that works.  Biking to and from work 2-3 days a week, should add a decent amount to my time.

Comparison of January from Year-to-Year

Total and Average Since 2007

YTD and Since 2007

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